I’m a homemade fan and would usually prefer to make my own pasta and cooking sauces etc instead of jars and tins. But sometimes there’s a lot of be said for ready sauces if you’re looking for a quick and easy dinner. Meridian foods do a huge range of sauces that are handy as stir-in pasta sauces or to be used in dishes such as casseroles etc. They do a creamy tomato and herb sauce that is wheat free, gluten free, and dairy free with natural ingredients. They also have a tangy creamy sundried tomato sauce, and it’s very tasty. I particularly liked their tomato and herb sauce. There’s a distinctive tangy taste of tomatoes, and the herbs pack a punch. This is worth investing in for a cupboard staple as it’s tasty, handy and relatively inexpensive. Ingredients include tomatoes, water, tomato paste, onions, garlic, rapeseed oil, soya, maize starch, basil, agave syrup, salt, lemon juice, black pepper and oregano. The sauce is suitable for meat, fish and vegetables as well as adding with wheat free pasta. I mixed it with cooked chicken, pasta and broccoli, with a sprinkle of parmesan. Enjoy!
Tasty n’ tangy
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