Oats so nice

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I’m a true believer in oats being a superfood and one of the healthiest grains. They contain protein, iron, zinc, and magnesium, which provide the body with energy and oats can lower your cholesterol too! Oats release energy slowly and keep you sustained all day. They are high in fibre too, wholegrain, and suitable for vegetarians. Paterson’s do a super range of oat products – Oat bites, rough oatcakes, olive oil oatcakes, cracked black pepper oatcakes, and triangle oatcakes. I was spoilt for choice! Oatcakes are wheat free and a great nutritious snack or for lunch. Paterson’s oatcakes are great quality, nice and crunchy, a good texture and very filling. I liked the cracked black pepper the best. They are very different, and have a real kick to them. Here’s a separate review. Paterson’s oatbites are very interesting, I found these great for on the go, just pop them in your bag and you know you’ve a healthy and nutritious snack with you. They do 2 flavours – cheese and chive and chilli and cheese. Both are really delicious and are filling and very tasty. I particularly like the chilli and cheese, nice and spicy yet subtle. Here’s a full review on them. You should really try Paterson’s oats range, very good. Available in most good health shops. They should consider developing the oatbites range and look at other flavour combinations. I’ll be queuing up to try them!   

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