Gluten-free chicken kiev – thumbs up Supervalu

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When I was growing up, chicken kiev was a treat on the menu. However it was always processed and full of wheat and gluten. It did taste good though! The after effects for me weren’t good though: painful, bloated tummy and a food hangover for 2 or 3 days feeling dreadful, pulling myself around.

I’ve often looked at them in the supermarket and butchers and thought they’d make a handy dinner for the family with plenty of vegetables and a baked potato. I was only delighted when I saw the packaging on the Supervalu chicken kievs. Gluten freeĀ  listed on the ingredients list: I had to have them!

They looked a good size and not pumped up and processed like I remember.

They turned out really lovely. Nice and crisp, there was a great crunch and taste to the breadcrumbs and a great garlic punch, not too pungent or strong tasting. Kievs were a great size, a lovely golden colour when cooked. Chicken was tasty too, My 6 year old food critic loved them too! “Can we have these every week?”. She can be quite fussy, so this was a bonus. I really liked these kievs and would buy again. Thumbs up to Supervalu!

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